Gym Fitness

You may want to invest in a better-fitting workout for your body, but you don't have the time or money to make it happen yet. So why not get one of the best fitness trackers under $50? There are numerous reasons for this decision (you can find more here), and if you are looking to improve your overall health as quickly as possible, I recommend that you get yourself some of these workouts. They will help with any muscle tension you may be experiencing and so much more! Here's how this is done...

Bodyweight Workouts

You can start on an exercise machine to build up your cardio strength. This can help you when trying to increase calorie burn. For example, try holding a plank for 30 seconds and following that with 10 minutes of jumping jacks. Keep doing that for 3 weeks, and after three weeks your weight loss should be much faster. Try doing 20 repetitions of a single pushup every day or do 12 repetitions per set. After one week, you can add in some jumping jacks or walk for 15–30 minutes. It's all about finding what works to build muscle mass. You can also do squats or lunges using dumbbells. The goal is to work through your home exercise equipment. If you're having trouble keeping going, try doing each exercise for 2 minutes at a time instead of 4 hours at a time. As soon as your body will get used to it, switch things up and add weights to your routine.

Weight Training

This could include things like crunches and sit ups, but it could also include exercises such as leg extensions, barbell curls, chest presses, lat pulldowns, etc. It is important to remember that there is no better way to lose fat than by making sure you're building muscle tissue, which takes longer to recover afterwards, hence why we recommend getting this equipment out into the world. Start off simple like bench press or back squat. Be careful though, they might give you a false idea of where you are physically in shape and not enough to really know.

One thing to keep in mind, is when we say "weight training" we mean compound forms of resistance exercise. Meaning, if you use dumbbells, you're adding additional weight, but if you do bicep curls for example, it's not just a load. To add even more difficulty, add heavy balls on these types of routines, especially those that involve bouncing. But again, the point is to increase muscular density. And once you master the basic movements, then you can move towards specialized movements, such as rotational movements, which tend to be harder, faster and more effective. These movements involve specific muscles and tend to last longer. In fact, adding heavier weights in the beginning will allow you to build that perfect balance between weight and exercise.

Cardio Exercise Machines

As previously mentioned, a lot of people use their house machines to burn calories while they sleep. We have included our personal favorite option below to provide you guys in this situation. Get started today with 20-minute warm-up sets, followed by your main high intensity interval training session, then move onto your full rest set. Once you've completed your final warm-up, switch to your upper body workout. Do 10 rounds of ten minutes of crunches per side for five days. Then do another round of ten minutes crunches, followed by another round of ten minutes setups, and finally a few minutes stretching in the recliner. This will help strengthen your core, shoulders and glutes. Next week, add your heaviest set to this routine. After a couple of weeks, switch up. Add a little bit of yoga, or sprinting! Switch back, again, until you're hitting your maximum heart rate on your weekly workout plan.

HIIT Training Sessions

A great way to get leaner is to mix it up! What are the most popular ways to do HIIT? Most of them revolve around circuit style sessions. Circuit techniques are highly dependent on timing, you must be able to read the signs in between reps of a set of lifts. With circuit training, you only need to do one lift for each repetition, instead of two, three or four. When you have a strong base and can properly time your lifts, you can end up burning the same amount of calories as your other exercise routines. A great tip for beginners is to first perform each rep fast without lifting anything. Then, gradually increase the number of reps, as the lift gets easier. By doing this, you can ensure the weight is still being lifted correctly. Of course, performing each movement exactly the same will take away from your motivation. Always choose the right speed and try to avoid overtraining each session. Each workout needs to be broken up into short periods, whether you enjoy working out or dread it. Don't worry about failing, but at least enjoy the process.     

Strength Building Exercises

If all else fails and you aren't ready to go to the doctor, let's talk about something fun! Many individuals have found success with Pilates exercises in small groups or individually. Personally, my biggest recommendation is that you look into group fitness. This type of fitness training involves performing different moves together in order to see how hard each workout will actually be and how you'll function together. While this is not the recommended form of exercise, it allows you to get the most bang for your buck. This requires plenty of space, lots of patience and knowledge, as well as some flexibility in terms of timing.

People who have succeeded with Pilates are generally very fit and can work out almost anywhere, including standing next to a window. Another awesome exercise that was a huge plus is rowing. That is a free form challenge. However, you must be in good physical condition to train it. Nowadays, rowing is very popular, especially among younger students because it's low impact, fast paced and easy to learn. This is something that works for both newbies and more experienced athletes alike. Also, rowing has been proven to help kids practice healthy eating as well as improve their posture. All told, you can't go wrong, it's definitely worth a shot.
